Video – Webinar 1

Workshop 1, originally planned for 27-28 October 2020, was reconfigured into a series of webinars. Each webinar is comprised of a number of panels from the original programme. Webinar 1 featured Panel 1 (Ageing Bodies and Identities) and Panel 2 (Gender, Subjectivity and Agency).  A video recording of this webinar is now available to watch and also available as a podcast 


Panel 1: Ageing Bodies and Identities

Rina Knoeff (University of Groningen): ‘Revisiting the centenarian cult: On the cultural significance of tales of exceptional old age’

Paul Higgs (University College London): ‘The ageing body and the social imaginary of the fourth age’

Julia Twigg (University of Kent): ‘Age, Dress and the Cultural Turn in Gerontology’

Panel 2: Gender, Subjectivity and Agency

Andrew King (University of Surrey) ‘Coming far, getting somewhere? The current concerns and future challenges facing older LGTB+ people’

Susan Pickard (University of Liverpool): ‘Last Love’

Wendy Martin (Brunel University): ‘Forever ‘Becoming’? Negotiating Gendered and Ageing Embodiment in Everyday Life’